21 June 2010

Singing with mouth wide open


Why singing with mouth wide open? In other words, singing with jaw opened(like when we are yawn). 

I'm gonna talk about the singing with mouth wide opened, this means we need to preventing from singing with nasal voice. If singing with mouth slightly open, nasal voice are most likely occur, because the sound are delivered more through our nose and less through our mouth. On the other hand, this caused audience hard to hear and not clear from your singing. Hence, negative response will shows on their faces. Nobody wants this happen to them.

You may practice started with a vowel, for example an "A" vowel to start with mouth wide open(with your jaw down), let the sound out completely from your mouth ONLY, assuming that you are suffering from heavy flu that you cant singing very well but join able to open up your mouth and sing, you may not hear much of your sound by your own, but sounds good and clear for audience and a smiling face will show on their expression. Recording device is very important for your sounds practicing and is strongly recommended. 

After practice with the recording device, you may found that your voice are much more clearer from every single recording you had (depend on individual practice progress). So, Practice makes perfect!

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